Well we certainly live in an advanced society...I send you this blog while mobile!
What I mean is as I sit in this cafe with my 'crackberry' affectionately known by the masses as a blackberry or any such PDA device I write to you!
Wonderfully, horribly, fantastic as my girlfriend would say!
Anyway today I write about the 'daily grind'. You know that thing you do to make cash, dollar- dollar bills, money. We all have realized, youthful optimism aside that life is terribly uncomfortable without it. This grind could be a career, job, or just the place you spend 8-10 hours daily hoping to make some overtime. For me it's definitely a job, there is no love or passion involved in
my grind. The same is true for a lot of folks, except if you are one of those lucky souls where you happen to be grinding everyday and love it..please share with us. It encourages me and will inspire others!
Once I read a poem that stated.."don't send eight hours of your day everyday, making someone's dream come true." That has and will remain the most profound thing I have read about the "daily grind". This man, I believe his name was Kurt Nugent, was attempting to deliver a message. He was an
average joe
, like most grinding and believed himself to be content mostly. That is until his passion for words got the better of him. That's when he was hit by the idea..! Grinding for self, you working hard, everyday to your own dreams come true...beautiful!
I wish I could ask him how exactly did he accomplished this, how did he leave his job, become a poet, and now a famous author, public speaker and motivator.
I believe I have an idea..
SACRIFICE. You would have to be willing to sacrifice
. Sacrifice your: level of comfort, a new pair of shows, having a few dollars to blow on nothing, nights drinking with friends and all the many fantastically frivolous things we do every single day.
I actually find all these things to be distractions. Distractions from all the pain, suffering, and misery we may feel from our present "daily grind".
Believe it or not this blogging business is about my dream/passion i.e., making my dream come true. There was a time I dreamed of getting published in the New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, Essence, Ebony and other magazines. I would submit my writing over and over. Eventually being the practical strategist I am I decided I should get a more appropriate dream. I guess one could say I had given up on this dream for a while.
Then one day, my friend did the bravest thing..I've seen in years: he made a film. One day he said there has been a story in my head and I'm finally going to tell it. Of course you know this is the film FINDING ME which you will frequently read about on this blog and I will make reference to occasionaly. This is important because he decided to be very uncomfortable and made tremendous sacrifices to make his dream come true!
For me this blog is the first in many little steps to make my dreams come to fruition, because there are many come true. I'm publishing myself. I have a voice and something to say..and guess what? I'm not waiting for any more editor-in-chief or publishers to notice. This blog is the first in many steps to establish my voice and that of other independent thinkers and writers.
First step: Blac-seed the blog
Next: Blac-seed the magazine
I write today, as an important reminder that is it never to late to pursue your dreams and to remind you of that profound wise statement: "Don't spend eight hours of your day everyday, making someone's dreams come true"
Peace, Love and to the pursuit of Dreams!
Sontaia P. Briggs
future magazine owner, editor-in-chief!